About Us

We create t-shirts for those that feel left behind, left out...the forgotten ones. The ones who want to laugh but just can't find the t-shirt that lets them do it.

We create t-shirts for you...who yearns to see that priceless look of confusion on the face of the person standing in front of you, looking at your t-shirt, while you're standing at the counter of your favorite coffee shop. 

We are you.

You are us.

I is you and you is I.

We are brothers and sisters, half-brothers and half-sisters, nephews and nieces, mothers, fathers, the sibling you didn't know you had that lives in Kentucky, because your parent had a long layover due to the snow storm that hit back in 1994.

We are the librarians, the musicians, the coders, the parents, the shoe sales people, the cobblers, the candlestick makers, the person standing on the corner looking for a few bucks here and there because, hey...why not? We are the buskers, the security person, the person at the dry cleaner that went through your pant pockets because, hey...why not?

Unlock the laughter.

We are TeesForGeeks.com